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Convenient Care

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that we provide here at Regional Health & Testing Center!

Everything you need in one place.

Regional Health and Testing Center is a multi-service medical facility that strives to provide everything that you need to keep yourself and your family happy and healthy.

COVID-19 Rapid Tests Available

Call your nearest location

Florence - (843) 799-0642

You Asked! We Listened!

Before we opened Regional Health & Testing Center, L.L.C, we asked our friends and neighbors to tell us about their latest experience at their physician's office, and what they wanted from their health care provider. They told us they were tired of waiting for hours to see a doctor! They let us know that they felt like cattle being herded in and out at at their last physician's visit. They even shared with us how great it would be to have one location they could visit and receive the excellent medical care they deserve without having to drive all over town to different clinics for their basic health care needs.  

We listened!

Regional Health and Testing Center, L.LC, is pleased to announce that we listened, and opened our medical center on March 15, 2016. We offer multi-specialty Medical Care, Weight Management, Drug and Alcohol testing, Behavioral Wellness, Home Sleep Testing, and DOT & Sports Physicals at one convenient location, at affordable pricing. Our extended hours and friendly staff may not take away all your pain, but it will prevent other pains you may get if you have to wait in an emergency room waiting to see a doctor.

Our Mission

Regional Health and Testing Center’s mission is to provide the best care possible by providing cutting edge service to our patients in a caring environment through the latest technologies and a team oriented approach.

Regional Health & Testing Center LLC

376 West Palmetto Street Florence, SC 29501

Phone: 843-799-0642

Fax: 843-799-0933

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